32,00 lei
Procesor Intel pentium Dual-Core B960 2.2 GHz FF8062700997701
Procesor Intel pentium Dual-Core B960 2.2 GHz FF8062700997701
Microarchitecture Sandy Bridge
Processor core ? Sandy Bridge
Core steppings ? D2 (QACL, SR0C9)
Q0 (SR07V)
Manufacturing process 0.032 micron High-K metal gate process
Data width 64 bit
The number of CPU cores 2
The number of threads 2
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size ? 2 x 32 KB 8-way set associative instruction caches
2 x 32 KB 8-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size ? 2 x 256 KB 8-way set associative caches
Level 3 cache size 2 MB 8-way set associative shared cache
Cache latency 4 (L1 cache)
12 (L2 cache)
27 (L3 cache)
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34,00 lei
37,00 lei
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